Above the pages list, an "Add page" button is displayed.
It is important to note that adding pages through this button requires detailed knowledge of the back-end structure of your website. When in doubt, please contact Intakt.
The properties of the new page should be filled out in the form that appear when the "Add page" button is clicked:
- meta data (also to be edited through the "Edit metadata" menu-item of the grey admin bar at the page itself)
- template (points to the layout file)
- lang: the language-id of the page
- module, controller and action (the route of the application)
- parent (links to a page the new page belongs to, for example a product listing page)
In the case the new page indeed has a "parent", adding pages could be made easier by the Intakt-developer. He or she could place a button at the "parent" page that automatically populates most of the fields. In that case, the metadata fields are the only fields you'll need to think about.