Intakt CMS

Log out

As a user of the CMS, you have received login credentials so that you can make adjustments to the website. Often websites use contact forms, booking modules and / or newsletters. In that case, as a logged-in user of the CMS, you will often have access to e-mail addresses or other personal data as well.

To keep risks as low as possible, Intakt advises never to leave a computer without logging out. This can be done from any screen, both in the so-called Frontend via the grey bar and in the Admin section in the menu at the top.



If you want to secure CMS access even better, there is an option to install an IP filter. For more information see chapter IP filter

Intakt B.V.
Keizerrijk 76
1012 VM Amsterdam
tel. 020-6382238 fax. 020-4222291